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Share your exciting news in the newsletter. (link to contact form with that filled in)
Connect with peers at the Annual Conference. (link to events page)
Gain access to the Alabama Museums mailing list that includes over 430 museums statewide.
Stay Informed
Subscribe to the quarterly members’ newsletter. (link to archives here)
Subscribe to the AMA eList - periodic emails informing you about grant funding, educational programs, regional workshops, and job announcements.
Discounts and scholarships
Various roundtables and workshop events
Gaylord Partnership Program (is this info correct? Contact Dana Knapp at 800.345.5330, Option 3 or email dana.knapp@gaylord.com with questions. To order, call 800.448.6160 or visit www.gaylord.com
Conference Scholarships (link to form)
Engagement & Leadership
Opportunities to serve on AMA council and association committees.
Voting privileges in the AMA council election.
Representation on the state, regional, and national levels regarding issues of concern to museums and historical societies.
Networking opportunities with state, regional, and national museum professional organizations.